
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay - Enemy Within Campaign - Volume 5: Empire in Ruins Companion

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Le compagnon en anglais du tome 5 de la campagne Enemy Within de la gamme Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

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‘I saw a blasphemous city coming down from the heavens and as it descended, the people cried out in woe! I saw death, madness, and transformation as the Exalted Lord brought his Master’s realm to the Crown of the Empire.’

The Empire in Ruins Companion is the fifth and final of our five-part series of companion volumes to the Enemy Within campaign. The essential companion to campaigning in a shattered Empire is packed with supplementary material to not only expand Empire in Ruins but also provide an indispensable guide to any WFRP games set within the fractured nation.

Empire in Ruins Companion includes:

  • Alternative Empires, features the ramifications of the fulfilment of the ambitions of Yann Zuntermein, Karl-Heinz Wasmeier, or the late Kastor Lieberung.
  • More Madcraw, the Night Goblins and their depredations return with more details on this extraordinary remote tribe, including several new tribe members that might trouble any adventurers who stray into their territory.
  • The Place of the Shining Rock, more details and fascinating lore on this sacred site holy to both Sigmar and Ulric, its storied past and geography.
  • Altdorf in Chaos, highlights the several unusual phenomena that could occur in the Crown of the Empire as the Enemy Within nears its thrilling climax.
  • The Imperial Ostlanders, who are these brave frontier folk, ably commanded by Reikhardt Mathis Sievers, and what part might they play in Empire in Ruins?
  • The Nordland Question, during the Turmoil that shakes the Empire, many provincial areas make a play for greatness at this time. Nordland’s history and notable personalities show rebellion was inevitable sooner or later.
  • The Siege of Diesdorf, under the looming threat of the Red Crown, can the Diesdorf Council keep their town in good order?
  • The Bigger They Are… An Ogre as a judicial champion means most trials are decided before they begin.
  • The Triumph of the Gravelord: Will the Gravelord (everyone’s favourite self-obsessed Necromancer) who has stalked the Characters since Death on the Reik, achieve supremacy?
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Warhammer Fantasy
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