
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition - The Book of Nod

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52,00 € TTC

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Un supplément historique et d'ambiance en anglais pour le jeu Vampire: The Masquerade

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Legends of the Undead
The first vampires remember their first nights, but do not speak of them. Others have heard tales, but know better than to believe them. The wise speak of The Book of Nod, but none have seen this fabled book of ancient lore. 

These are their tales...
Their stories begin with the Chronicle of Caine and the earliest nights of the vampire. The Chronicle of Shadow reveals Caine's hidden teachings. Finally, the Chronicle of Secrets unveils the deepest mysteries of the Damned, including the coming dread of Gehenna. 

The Book of Nod is a collection of mythic texts for use in the Vampire the Masquerade Roleplaying Game. 
Presented as an epic poem, the Book of Nod is an in-game resource, viewed as sacred by Noddist scholars and most vampire elders, especially of the Sabbat. Rather than a book of game mechanics, this book can be used as a prop and for lore, as it outlines the genesis of vampires with the mythology of Caine. 


  • Faux-leatherbound book with silver foil, gilded pages, and a blood-red ribbon
  • Rich mythology of the creation of vampires, usable as an in-game prop, clues and Story motivation for players, or as Storyteller inspiration
  • A perfect companion to Sabbat: The Black Hand for your 5th Edition Vampire: The Masquerade game
  • Loaded with legacy art from the original printing 

Mature Content Warning: contains graphic and written content of a mature nature, including violence, sexual themes, and strong language. Reader discretion is advised.

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Fiche technique

Fantastique, Mythologie
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14,90 € TTC
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