
Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game - Blood of the Lioness

En Rupture
24,00 € TTC

Frais de port offerts à partir de 80€ (France métropolitaine)

Un scénario en anglais pour la gamme de jeu de rôle Legend of the Five Rings

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Once you’ve familiarized yourself with Rokugan’s traditions of warfare, you and your group can tackle the new Blood of the Lioness adventure. This exciting tale takes you and your fellow samurai from the iconic Akodo War College to a heated battlefield on Snow Plain, and the actions of your party could help protect the peace in Rokugan—or plunge it into the chaos of war.

Blood of the Lioness is a full 32-page booklet that comes with a double-sided map and a wide array of punchboard tokens to help convey the twists and turns of your adventures and battles in Rokugan.

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Asie, Fantasy
Fantasy Flight Games
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