
Commands & Colors : Napoleonics (5th Printing)

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105,00 € TTC

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Commands & Colors: Wars of Napoleon  The Napoleonic historical period has always been one of our favorites and was actually the second historical game that we developed using the Commands & Colors system. The Wars of Napoleon rules at first glance may seem more complex than other Commands & Colors games, but if you are familiar with the game system, you are only a few short steps away from taking Command. Even if you have never played before, learning the fundamentals of the game system is straightforward and will be an enjoyable endeavor.  The Napoleonic period showcases a unique balance between the roles of Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery on the battlefield.In combat, a unit's battle strength is directly tied to the number of blocks present in the unit. Therefore, as a unit suffers block loses its combat effectiveness is reduced.An Infantry unit, by forming square, can reduce the effectiveness of the most gallant Cavalry charge.Artillery in combined arms combat along with an Infantry or Cavalry melee attack can produce the most devastating results.As with other Commands & Colors games, the battle dice resolve combat quickly and the Command cards provide a fog of war and will present players with new challenges and opportunities for victory.When in Command, the battlefield tactics you will need to execute conform remarkably well to the historical advantages and limitations inherent to each Napoleonic Army. For example, as the French Commander you will want to maneuver your infantry units into a position to take advantage of their melee attack dice bonus. While a British Commander will want his line infantry to take up a defensive position and stand and volley fire with a dice bonus. The other major powers also have similar seemingly simple advantages that can impact a battle and will influence your Command style for that army. The core Wars of Napoleon game will feature French, British and Portuguese troops, while the expansions will showcase one Coalition army that opposed Napoleon.  Core Game Contents 1 Mounted Battlefield Gameboard4 Sheets containing 56 double-sided Terrain Tiles and 2 Infantry in Square tracks70 Command cards8 Battle diceFrench, British and Portuguese Blocks and Label sheets3 National Unit Reference Cards1 Rule Book1 Scenario Booklet containing 15 battle scenarios
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