
Pursuit of Glory, 2nd Edition

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70,00 € TTC

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Notes on 2nd Edition: Pursuit of Glory: The Great War in the Near East is a sequel to the famous World War I card-driven game, Paths of Glory. Consistently rated in the top 100 war games on board game geek over the last decade, Pursuit of Glory was a 2009 Golden Geek Best War Game Nominee. This game puts you in the driver's seat of the British/Russian alliance or the Ottoman Empire during World War One. Gallipoli, holy war, mutiny, and the Russian Revolution await. Walk in the shoes of men such as Churchill, Lawrence of Arabia, Enver, and Falkenhayn. Pursuit of Glory: The Great War in the Near East is a sequel to the award-winning Paths of Glory. This game puts you in the driver's seat of the British/Russian alliance or the Ottoman Empire during World War One. Gallipoli, holy war, mutiny, and the Russian Revolution await. Walk in the shoes of men such as Churchill, Lawrence of Arabia, Enver, and Falkenhayn. The action stretches from India to the Balkans, from the Black Sea to Suez. Can the Germans inspire a Persian uprising or forge an alliance with Afghanistan? Can the Russians capture a warm water port? Can the British guard the oil that fuels the Royal Navy? Can the Turks capture the Suez Canal and spark a revolt in Egypt? In Pursuit of Glory you will constantly feel that you're on the razor's edge--on the verge of impending doom or of breakthrough and total victory. Your hand of 7 cards presents you with a rich array of strategic and operational opportunities. You must decide whether to use each card for its historic event, command points, or resources. You must then commit your forces to a variety of objectives: the Turkish-Russian frontier in Caucasia, the violation of neutral Persia, oil-rich Mesopotamia, the Suez Canal, and/or the Balkans and its vital railroads. You must judge when it is right to invade Serbia or launch a new naval invasion (perhaps on the inset map representing Gallipoli). As the British, you must hold on while your Russian allies break through the Turkish lines in Caucasia and bring your forces to bear through invasion and a gradual build-up of imperial might. As the Turks, your objective is to gain complete victory early, uniting your strength with Germany and crippling the British Empire in Egypt and India OR to persevere. If you are looking for a game that is relevant, dynamic, fun, tense, and a frantic roller coaster of a game, you will enjoy Pursuit of Glory. Joueurs : 1 ou 2
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