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It seems like the Russian Army expansion has been on the march for some time. Or
perhaps it has been the slow moving French invasion force. Whichever the case, the
second expansion for Commands & Colors Napoleonics, the Russian Army, is all
wrapped up and is off to be manufactured.
The Russian Army expansion features; 220 blocks: with over 40 dark green Russian units
and a few dark blue French reinforcements; Russian and French National Unit Reference
Cards; Russian Infantry Square Track; 20 scenarios bumped up by GMT from 18 and a
number of new terrain types. But the most interesting feature introduced in the expansion,
in my opinion, is a new game mechanic called the Pre-Battle Mother Russia Roll. No two
scenarios will set up the same when the Pre-Battle Mother Russia Roll rule is in effect.
We will let you speculate on this new game mechanic for a while.
The following is an updated list of scenarios included in the Russian expansion:
Czarnowo - 23 December 1806
Golymin - 26 December 1806
Pultusk - 26 December 1806
Mohrungen - 25 January 1807
Eylau Plateau Russian Rearguard - 7 February 1807
Eylau - 8 February 1807 (8AM to Noon)
Eylau - 8 February 1807 (Murat’s Cavalry Charge)
Heilsberg (Opening Phase) - 10 June 1807
Friedland - 14 June 1807
Borodino - 5 September 1812 (Shevardino Redoubt)
Borodino - 7 September 1812 (Village of Borodino)
Borodino - 7 September 1812 (Utitza)
Borodino - 7 September 1812 (Raevski Redoubt)
Polotsk - 18 October 1812
Maloyaroslavets - 24 October 1812
Krasnoi - 17 November 1812
Crossing the Berezina - 27/28 November 1812
Champaubert - 10 February 1814
Montmirail - 11 February 1814
Craonne - 7 March 1814